Tuesday, 20 August 2013

12 Days and counting...

Well, it's been getting increasingly manic for us, with so much to do and people to say goodbye to. The lack of routine has been taking its toll on all of us with tempers a little frayed and K being more naughty than usual since me and C have been distracted with other things - we will get through it and understanding why things are a bit difficult is an important step in coping, I'm making time to take him to the park and trying to keep a bit of routine going - he has just returned to nursery after two weeks off which should help during these last two weeks. 
We are now moved into the living room meaning there there is a totally empty room in the flat:          

We've disconnected the washing machine and have bags and piles of stuff in the hallway ready to be given away, sold or taken to the charity shop. Our cupboards are almost totally bare and certain food items have run out and are not being replaced. It's reminiscent of when we've gone away for a few days and you try to use up all perishables in the days before but even more so, our weekly food bill has decreased noticably. C bought a box of microwave popcorn last week only to realise that the microwave is already gone, we have now learned that microwave popcorn does not cook so well on the hob!
We had a successful visit from our landladies on Sat, they had a look around to see what work needed doing before the place is relet. They are going to replace the carpets so it looks very likely we'll get our full deposit back - this is a huge relief and will give us a bit of back up money in case of emergencies. It felt nice that our hard work repainting and filling holes in the flat was noted and appreciated and is a one less thing to worry about.
Have got three suitcases totally packed with three more left plus our carry on luggage. There are still things that just can't be packed until the day we leave. Have already found myself looking for certain items and having to unpack them as I've been a little too over eager to get everything done. It's been a help that I am quite an organised person but it doesn't stop me from getting stressed and from worrying/over thinking. I've been finding it hard to just stop and relax from time to time but again, being aware for my failings is a good start in making the effort to change.
It's been strange saying goodbyes, realising that we won't see many people for a very long time but have been trying not to get too bogged down with that fact. Most friends/family are on Facebook and those that aren't are just an email away. K is going to have one or two penpals which I think will be nice as he grows up to have some friends in the UK as well as getting some mail addressed to him.
I want to do something special to say farewell to this place, that helps us to say goodbye and look back and not just remember how busy we were in these last days. I had a tattoo done to mark the closing of this chapter and the start of our new life. I've always had a fascination with dandelions and to me the seeds blowing in the wind represent freedom, they also blow over to the mantra on my shoulder which ties them together nicely. I am planning on taking a walk around town with K and take photos of all our favourite places to make an album to remind him of his first home. It's nice to make time for things like that. 

Will be back before we go, must dash now. *deep breath*


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